WEB 3.0

What Is Web 3.0?

Web 3.0 (also known as web3) is the third iteration of the Internet that interconnects data in a decentralized way to deliver a faster and more personalized user experience. It is built using artificial intelligence, machine learning and the semantic web, and uses the blockchain security system to keep your information safe and secure.

Tech giants such as Google, Facebook and Microsoft are some of the few companies currently making an enormous profit from user data. But web 3.0 will enable all of us to be compensated for our time and data: “people have been exploited by tech firms — essentially, deceived into giving valuable data away with little or no compensation from the firms who collect and benefit from it. Instead, [with web3] people should be paid for the data they share.”

Hence, this third generation of the web is an Internet where you will enjoy personalized interactions with machines and websites in the same manner as when you communicate with any other human.
